Saturday, July 14, 2012

Enough is Enough

I woke up this morning, and decided it was time to lose all this weight I have gained during my wife's pregnancy.

Undoubtedly, going on a heavy weightlifting kick this past winter and the corresponding weight gain did not help, but for some reason I have not been able to drop below 200lbs.  I have probably needed some "down time" from serious training after being disciplined for the past... well, my whole life.  This has really been the most relaxing Summer that I can remember so I must have needed it.

This morning my fasting weight upon waking was 207.8lbs.

Anyways, desperate times call for desperate measures...

Here's the plan:
1) Drink 1  full Nalgene bottle of water upon waking and before sleeping

2) 350 x 55lbs. kettlebell (Russian) swings per day, which will total over 10,000 for 30 days

3) Eat per the Slow Carb Diet, as described in Tim Ferriss' "4-Hour Body," including the epic "Cheat Day" once per week

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