Sunday, January 13, 2013

For Health Class

You have three questions to answer.  Post your answers to the comment section.

1) Conduct a Google search on "core strength" and post the link to an article YOU FIND.

2) Explain why core strength is important.

3) Based on your research on the internet, what is the best core exercise and why?

Make sure that your answers are posting to the comment section.  I have not seen post from some students.


  1. 1.
    2. Core strength helps you react faster and stronger and let's your body distribute stress evenly and absorb shock efficiently.
    3. Side bridge plank with diagonal arms lifts and single leg lowering

    Developed core muscles help you react faster and stronger, and let your body distribute stress evenly and absorb shock effectively. Athletes who give these muscles proper attention will reap enhanced balance, body awareness, coordination, and flexibility.

    Side bridge

  3. 2) Core strength is an essiential part of your daily life, it allows you to move around & function. 3) Russian twist


    Core strength is important because every muscle relies on your core.
    Roll-out & the Stability ball/knee-in are the two best core workouts. They are the best workouts because they address The two primary functions of the core musculature unlike any other movement. The are infinitely scalable. Beginners can modify their movements to protect their lower backs while advanced athletes can variations that completely tax their strength ,balance and co-ordination.

  5. tai chi is good for relaxation.
    another benefit is that tai chi is good for your health.
    it also help you have more patient
